WBAI Radio's Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report
Produced & Hosted by Mimi Rosenberg & Ken Nash
Monday, August 4, 2008, 7 - 8 p.m. EST, over 99.5 FM
From Here To Eternity:
U.S. Nuclear Policy From Hiroshima & Nagasaki Through Today
Professor Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, Director of Cold War Studies,
University of Southern CA. at Berkley
Greg Mitchell, co-author of "Hiroshima in America" &
Adviser to the Award-Winning Film "Original Child Bomb"
Exploitation of Immigrant Workers Isn't Kosher
Rabbi Harold Kravitz, Adath Jeshurun Synagogue, Minnetonka, MN
Paul Rael, Director of Hispanic Ministries, St. Bridget's Catholic
Church, Postville, Iowa
Governor Patterson Plays the Depression Card
Proposes Massive Cuts Instead of Millionaire's Tax
Trudi Renwick
Senior Economist, Fiscal Policy Institute
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From Here To Eternity:
U.S. Nuclear Policy From Hiroshima & Nagasaki Through Today
Professor Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, Director of Cold War Studies,
University of Southern CA. at Berkley
Professor Hasegawa discusses why there wasn't any moral or political
basis to drop nuclear bombs on Japan, which was already determined to
surrender and why we did it.
Greg Mitchell, co-author of "Hiroshima in America" &
Adviser to the Award-Winning Film "Original Child Bomb"
The U.S. engaged in suppression of the film footage following the atomic
bomb attacks on Japan, and for decades afterward suppressed all film
shot in Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Now, a portion of that footage will finally
reach the American public so they will be able to judge for themselves
why the authorities felt they had to suppress it, and what impact their
footage, if widely aired, might have had on the nuclear arms race -- and
the nuclear proliferation that endangers us today.
Exploitation of Immigrant Workers Isn't Kosher
Rabbi Harold Kravitz, Adath Jeshurun Synagogue, Minnetonka, MN
Paul Rael, Director of Hispanic Ministries, St. Bridget's Catholic
Church, Postville, Iowa
Only after the barbaric raid by Federal Immigration Control & Enforcement
(ICE) police on the Kosher Agriprocessors meat packing plant in Postville,
Iowa in which 389 immigrant workers were sentenced to prison terms, was
the extent of exploitation within the plant revealed. It included abuse of
underage workers who worked over 12 hours a day 6 days a week, health
and safety violations, sexual harassment, and even physical abuse. Religious
leaders from the area marched on Postville recently. Jewish leaders have
set up a Commission of Inquiry to investigate including the humane treatment
of workers in the definition of what is kosher.
Governor Patterson Plays the Depression Card
Proposes Massive Cuts Instead of Millionaire's Tax
Trudi Renwick
Senior Economist, Fiscal Policy Institute
With references to a new Depression, NYS Governor Patters used projections
of next year's State budget deficit growing from $5 billion to $6.4 billion as call
to budget cuts. He has ignored the successful experience of the last recession
in 2002 in which taxes on those that could afford it were raised by a bi-partisan
Legislature to forestall draconian cutbacks on public services as well as
progressive voices calling for a millionaire's tax to forestall the bloodletting
of the past.
Introducing "Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report"
Our beat is the labor front, broadly defined, both geographically and conceptually. We examine the world of work and workers on the job as well as where they live. We examine the issues that affect their everyday lives, with a particular sensitivity towards human rights abuses, environmental concerns and the U.S. drive for global domination. We record their global struggles and provide analysis of their efforts to empower themselves and transform society to provide greater democratic, human, social, political and economic rights. Each program consists of feature stories, generally interviews, within a historical context, often accompanied by sound from demonstrations, rallies or conferences, and complemented and enhanced by poetry and instrumental or vocal -- people's culture.
Over the years Building Bridges has produced a weekly one hour program, Mondays from 7-8 PM EST, covering local, national and international labor and community issues over radio WBAI-Pacifica 99.5 FM in New York. We also produce half hour version, Building Bridges National, which is distribtued to over 40 broadcast and internet radio stations.
For more information you can contact us at knash@igc.org
In Struggle Mimi Rosenberg & Ken Nash Follow @bbridgesradio