NYC Rally to Save Postal Jobs & Services From A Management Gone Postal - 27'
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Saving Postal Jobs & Services From A Management Gone Postal
Community/Labor United for Postal Jobs & Services joined with postal
workers to rally to save postal jobs and the services provided. The
plan is to shut down 4,000 post offices, eliminate 223 which is half of
the mail processing centers nationwide , end Saturday mail delivery
and fire 220,000 postal workers. In N.Y.C. alone, Postmaster General
Donahoe wants to eliminate 34 post offices. There is no fiscal crisis
that warrants these cuts, which will destroy the post office system. But
there is a Congressionally manufactured crisis caused by its imposition
of onerous and unnecessary financial mandates on the Post Office.
Unless we stop Congress, the public postal system will be destroyed
and Wall Street will swoop down and sell it to corporate vultures.