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New National Taxi Union Fights Highway Robbery,
Demanding Owners Stop The Greed & Lower The Lease!
Bhairavi Desai, Executive Director, New York Taxi Workers Alliance
The NY Taxi Workers Alliance (NYTWA) rallied at SLS Jet Garage
in Long Island City, Queens, who has a practice of not allowing drivers
to pay lease in advance for their shifts, and then charging those same
drivers as much as $25 per day for not paying in advance, adding up
to more than $9,000 a year. NYTWA has been targeting SLS Jet for
its current Stop the Greed, Lower the Lease campaign. We will also
discuss the NTWA’s, as new chartered union with the AFL-CIO, which
will be celebrated at an upcoming reception with AFL-CIO President
Richard Trumka in NYC. The new National Taxi Workers Alliance,
the 57th chartered union of the AFL-CIO, is a watershed moment in
U.S. Labor History. This is the first new charter for non-traditional
workers in over 60 years & the first for independent contractors.
NYPD Surveillance of Muslims Extended To Activist
With Speakers from:
Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM); Mosque of Islamic
Brotherhood; Peoples’ Justice for Community Control
& Police Accountability; CAAAV Organizing Asian
Communities; & NYC Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez
Representatives from the Muslim community with civil liberties
advocates came to Police Plaza to decry the NYPD Intelligence
Division’s blanket surveillance of a community based on religion
and race, and to condemn new revelations about surveillance of
community-based advocacy groups. Recent documents unearthed
reveal that the NYPD surveilled dozens of community organizations,
over the last decade. One document reveals that an undercover
NYPD officer traveled to New Orleans to attend the People's
Summit, a gathering of groups organized around their shared
opposition to U.S. economic and trade policies. The undercover
effort entailed groups opposed to U.S. immigration policy, labor
laws and racial profiling. The new revelations heighten & broaden
the serious questions that have yet to be answered by the NYPD
and elected officials surrounding it's Muslim surveillance program
accusing Police Commissioner Kelly of overstepping his authority
with surveillance tactics that critics claim violate the U.S.