Building Bridges: Malalai Joya - an Afghan Woman Who Dared to Speak Out - 28:17
Introducing "Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report"
Our beat is the labor front, broadly defined, both geographically and conceptually. We examine the world of work and workers on the job as well as where they live. We examine the issues that affect their everyday lives, with a particular sensitivity towards human rights abuses, environmental concerns and the U.S. drive for global domination. We record their global struggles and provide analysis of their efforts to empower themselves and transform society to provide greater democratic, human, social, political and economic rights. Each program consists of feature stories, generally interviews, within a historical context, often accompanied by sound from demonstrations, rallies or conferences, and complemented and enhanced by poetry and instrumental or vocal -- people's culture.
Over the years Building Bridges has produced a weekly one hour program, Mondays from 7-8 PM EST, covering local, national and international labor and community issues over radio WBAI-Pacifica 99.5 FM in New York. We also produce half hour version, Building Bridges National, which is distribtued to over 40 broadcast and internet radio stations.
Posted in A Woman Among Warlords, Afghanistan War, Afghanistan women, Malalai Joya » Email Post » 0 comments »
Former Mexican Guest Workers Seek $500 Million In Stolen Pensions
Alianza de Ex-Braceros del Norte, a campaign affiliated with the International Migrants Alliance, a coalition of grassroots migrant organizations
A caravan of ex-braceros from Mexico in what they’re calling the Historic March for a Historic Debt came to the United Nations to denounce the human rights abuses of Enrique Pena Nieto’s administration that continue to this day. The
Bracero Program, established by the US and Mexican governments in 1942, was the country’s first guest worker program. The delegation of ex-braceros are calling public attention to the fact that millions of these workers, many of whom have died or are living under poor conditions, have yet to receive the 10% taken from their paychecks in promised pensions. They are also calling for just immigration reform
in the US because as the first guest workers, the ex-braceros can testify how guest worker policies legalize slavery and abuse. Currently, the Obama administration is
pushing for a guest worker program as part of its Comprehensive Immigration Reform agenda.
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Posted in Alianza de Ex-Braceros del Norte, Bracero program, guest worker program, Historic March for a Historic Debt, immigration, immigration reform, International Migrants Alliance » Email Post » 0 comments »
The I Am Troy Davis Campaign To Abolish the Death Penalty
* Kimberly Davis, Troy's sister
* Jen Marlowe, author I Am Troy Davis
* Eve Ensler, playwright, activist
* Yusef Salaam, Central Park 5 and death penalty abolitionist
* Lawrence Hayes (death row exonoree)
* Rebel Diaz, RAP cultural worker, activist
Two years ago, the state of Georgia ignored the facts, doubts and pleas of hundreds of thousands of people and killed Troy Davis. Now on the anniversary of his execution we invite you to listen to Building Bridges and reflect on Troy Davis and his legacy to abolish the death penalty and dismantle our inhumane system of caging human beings – “it will inspire courage in the heart of those who are willing to use their efforts to save lives and increase the quality of life for all people.” Maya Angelou
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Posted in Campaign To Abolish the Death Penalty, Death penalty, Eve Ensler, I Am Troy Davis, Jen Marlowe, Lawrence Hayes, Rebel Diaz, Troy Davis, Yusef Salaam » Email Post » 0 comments »
Iraqi Workers in the Turbulent Middle East
Hassan Juma’a Awad, founding member of and President of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions
Building Bridges brings you an exclusive interview with Har labor
rights, and the place of Iraq in the broader turmoil of the Middle East.ssan Juma’a Awad who was an opponent of the Saddam Hussein regime, a human rights activist, and unionist who was imprisoned by the Ba’athist regime three times for “subversive” activity. Now, under the current Malaki government, Hassan and
many others continue to face threats of jail and heavy fines for "threatening the economic interests and stability of the state" for challenging the ill-treatment of oil workers and the give-away of Iraqi oil to private companies.
Unions played a vital role in the Arab Spring rebellions in Tunisia and Egypt as do the Iraqi workers who are also challenging their government. Hassan Juma’a Awad is a leading force in the movement of Iraqi workers, part of a broad mobilization of civil society organizations struggling to establish a democratic, non-sectarian society in Iraq after the war, with internationally accepted labor rights. The Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions faces many of the
same issues we face in the U.S.: struggles against privatization, the right to organize unions without retribution and with legal protection; and for the active role of unions in securing the interests of working people. Tune in to hear Hassan’s report on the lives of Iraqi workers today, their fight for labor rights, and the place of Iraq in the broader turmoil of the Middle East.
Posted in Hassan Juma’a Awad, Iraq and oil, Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions, unions in Iraq » Email Post » 0 comments »
Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report is broadcast weekly in the N.Y.C. to the Metropolitan area over WBAI, Pacifica on Mondays from 7-8 PM EST. Building Bridges and most WBAI Programs are now being archived for 90 Days. They are also being PodCast. These links will be live ca. 15 minutes after the program ends. To listen, download or PodCast archived shows go to
We also produce half hour version, Building Bridges National, Edition which is distributed to over 40 broadcast and internet radio stations.
Building Bridges National Edition is regularly broadcast over radio stations: WGOT - Gainesville, Florida, WUOW - Oneonta, N.Y. WWUH, - West Hartford, CT WVJW- Benwood, WV KRFP, Moscow, ID KCSB, Santa Barbara, CA WXOJ, Northampton, MA KSOW,Cottage Grove, Oregon WKNH ,Keene, NH CKDU, Halifax, N.S., Canada KRFC, Fort Collins, Colorado WRPI, Troy, New York WNRB, Wausau, WI KRBS, Oroville, CA WHLD,Buffalo,NY Radio Free Olympia,Olympia,WA, KQRP Salida, California East Hill Radio, Snoqualmie, WA, , KSKQ, Ashland, Oregon as well as internet stations: Radio Veronica,West Point, PA ,The Journey Radio WXXE Seattle Radical Radio Radio for Radio forPeace International, Radio Labourstart,, , Grateful Dread Public Radio ========================================
A Conversation with Harry Belafonte__The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire and Its Legacy____Charlie King & Karen Brandow: IWW in Songs ____Greenhouse: The Big Squeeze ____ Gerald Horne - Red Seas ____Emma's Revolution: Pat Humphries & Sandy O ____ Martin Luther King Jr. Speaks to Labor ____Domestic Workers Uniting ____ Mearsheimer-The Israel Lobby ____Drehle-Triangle Fire ____Tye-Pullman Porters____ Utah Phillips ___ Virtual May Day Demonstration ___ Mother Jones ___ Michael Moore - Sicko ___ Immigrant Nation or Divided Nation - 2007 ___ Sisters on the Frontline - 2007 ___ Bearing Witness - A Portrait of Women in War - Iraq(2007) ___ Ruby Dee: A Life Lit by some Large Vision: Selected Speeches and Writings by Ossie Davis ___ Rep. John Conyers - National Health Care: The Time Has Come ___ Pete Seeger ___ Si Kahn: The Fox in the Henhouse - Part I ___ Si Kahn: The Fox in the Henhouse - Part II ___ Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers with Robert Greenwald