The Battle to Save the Post Office with APWU Pres Dimondstein and Danny Glover
The Peril for Postal Workers and Post Offices, Why We’re Boycotting Staples and Opening a Window for "Postal Banking”
Mark Dimondstein, Pres. American Postal Workers Union (APWU)
In the battle to save the Post Office and good union jobs, protests have escalated into a national boycott of Staples for the proposed deal with the Post Office to privatize retail postal services. Internal USPS documents reveal that the Staples deal is an attempt to reduce the cost of “traditional” postal union labor and shift it to low-wage labor. While the Post Office tries to save money by degrading their workers' remuneration, it ignores a proposal by its own Inspector General - postal banking. President Dimondstein said "basic, non-profit banking would be a great and real benefit to the people of this country,and a good answer to what I call "the Wall Street Banksters,' who devastated the economy and with it the lives
of millions of people."
Danny Glover Joins the Battle to Save the Post Office
Danny Glover gave an impassioned speech on the final day of the APWU’s Convention, declaring that he would be part of the fight to keep the Postal Service in the hands of the people. As the son of postal workers, Glover described how his parents’ involvement in the union influenced his life, pointing out that they became postal employees shortly after the U.S. armed forces and federal employment were integrated in the midst of a great movement in the country. He said the fight against turning over postal duties to Staples and the campaign to use the USPS “for the many varied services it has the capacity to perform” are important. “We, the
people, own our post office, And we’re going to fight for that and we will win.”
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August 9, 2014 at 12:14 AM
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