Occupy Wall St. Bid to Reclaim Space, OWS Jobs For All - 28'
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OWS Undaunted By Dozens Of Arrests In Bid To Reclaim Space,
Continues Its Work
The 99 Percent
Celebrating its 3rd month of existence OWS came to take back The
Commons, a space owned by Trinity Church, to assert freedom of
expression and the right to assemble as fundamental freedoms.
While more than 50 arrests ensued still through creative, bold
actions OWS has renewed a sense of hope, revived a belief in
community and awakened a sprit of resistance. “To Occupy”,
the word has been repurposed by OWS to mean to come
together in a resistance movement with people of many colors,
genders and political persuasions who can no longer tolerate the
greed and corruption of the 1% and their governmental shills.
Demands For Jobs For All Grows
Connie Kaplan, 99er, activist
Eric Lernerl Cindy Klumb
Tony Perkins
The Labor Outreach Committee, of OWS, POP, OWS en Espanol,
The Jobless Working Group OWS and Occupy Harlem are among
an expanding chorus advocating for a democratically controlled
public works and public service program, with direct government
employment, to create tens of millions of new jobs at good union
wages. The new jobs will go to meeting the needs of the 99%.
The program would be funded by raising taxes on the rich and
corporations and by ending U.S. wars and would be open to all,
regardless of immigration status or criminal record.