Assaults on the Safety Net - 27:58
How We Can & Why We Must Stave Off The Assaults On Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security & Public Assistance
. Joe Baker, Pres., Medicare Rights Center, serves on the US Dept. of Health and Human Services Medicare/Medicaid Advisory Panel, former NYS Deputy Sec'y for Health and Human Services under Gov. David Paterson
. Timothy Casey, Senior Staff Attorney with Legal Momentum
. Nancy Altman, Co-Chair, Strengthen Social Security Campaign
Sixteen years ago Pres. Clinton and a bipartisan Congress replaced Aid To Families With Dependent Children (AFDC) with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) which has proven to be a disaster for poor parents and children, even more so in the midst of recession and economic downturn. The shredding of the safety net began with AFDC and is expanding with proposals to cut, to privatize, to block grant or set up vouchers for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Both political parties seem willing to sacrifice key elements of these programs at the altar of the budget deficit
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