Nationwide, Low-Wage Workers STRIKE , also Calling for Justice for Victims of Police Murder! - 27:28
Nationwide, Across
Industries, Low-Wage Workers STRIKE, also Calling for Justice
for Victims of Police Murder!
Fast-food workers are on the move and they've
sparked other low-wage workers to strike for their just deserts. Fast-food employees in 190 cities, went on strike and they were joined by convenience, dollar store, airport service workers, and home care workers. Low-wage workers across the country are forging bonds and rising up in a mass movement for economic justice. The workers, on strike for higher wages, better working conditions and to unionize also raised their hands high, chanting "Hands Up, Don't Shoot," "I Can't Breath, I Can't Breath," to show
their support for victims of racist police murders.
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